Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Back and Forth

Well, it is so nice to be home with my boys. They are so sweet and helpful. Celtin has been opening doors for me and telling me he will help me so I don't have to bend over. They both are very anxious to see their sister but that will have to wait for now. Tonight they got to hang out in the Ronald McDonald room while I sat with Cait. They thought that was pretty cool.

The last five days have been CRAZY to say the least. I was home last night for about two hours before we were back at the hospital with Cait. She is so tiny and I can't stand the thought of her being without family. Even though we can only touch her with a finger it makes me feel as though we are doing something to let her know that we are there and that we love her.

Today was a good day for Cait. We got a call this morning from her Doctor saying that her chest x-ray had come back looking very good. No signs of pulmonary hypoplasia which is what the Doctors were most concerned about before she was born. She has also continued to slowly come down on her nitric oxide and respirator levels. No big leaps and bounds but rather tiny steps in the right direction.

Before she was born I was so scared about how we would get through this but when you see your child for the first time and you are filled with a love like nothing in this world you suddenly become stronger than before. You are able to handle things that you didn't think possible because that little baby is worth it.

I'd like to say Thank You to everyone for all the prayers and kind words of support. Some of you have asked what you can do to help and right now what's helping us the most is to have the support of such wonderful friends and family. We know that we can call on any of you at any time for help and that alone is a great comfort.



  1. Candice, Cait is beautiful. We just want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your sweet family.
    Nate and Breanne Robbins

  2. Jenn (Miller) SonogniniNovember 27, 2009 at 5:04 PM

    Dale and Candice-
    You have been on my mind since I saw you on Wednesday at my neighbor's funeral. I hope that what I had to say to you concerning my preemie's progress brought as much comfort to you as the beautiful bagpipes brought comfort to my heart that day.
    I don't know if you have done this already, but as I read through this post, I remembered feeling the exact same way about leaving our little girl "alone" in the hospital, so I went and bought her a little stuffed angel bear and took a family picture to the hospital and placed them both in her bed with her. I know she didn't know the difference, but I felt better knowing we were there with some way.

  3. Candice, your new little girl is beautiful. I've been following the blog since your mom sent out the e-mail, and it's wonderful to be able to be a little more in touch with what is happening with little Cait and your family. I hope that you're healing and feeling better. Cait, you, Dale and the boys are in my thoughts. Please take care!

    Heather Harvey
