Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Doing Well

Cait is doing well. She started eating Mommy milk yesterday and was keeping it down pretty well last night. They tried to start her on milk last Saturday but she was spitting up a lot. Her little tummy was still asleep from the sedative she had been on all week.

She has started to be able to cry which is wonderful to hear but also breaks my heart at the same time. She sounds like a baby kitten. We haven't been able to hold her yet which is okay. We would rather wait until she is strong enough than push her into something she isn't ready for. We can put our hand over her and she seems to really love being "held" that way. She calms right down and goes to sleep.

Our new goal for Cait is to get off of the photo therapy lights. Her bilirubin levels are continuing to come down. Yesterday she was at a 5 with her highest level having been a 13 on Friday. She needs to be at a 3 or 4 to come off the lights. Today she will be seeing the physical therapist as her joints are a little stiff from being in such a tight space for so long.

I have started to become quite a fussy mother being concerned over every little thing. Her ear lobe is bent, her wires are between her fingers, her mouth looks dry, there's too much condensation in her oxygen tube, things like that. She has been through so much and I want her to be as comfortable as possible.

It's amazing how much love such a little person can bring to your life. For the longest time we didn't think we would get to be with this little girl and each moment with her is a gift. She is so very sweet and we hope for the day that we will all be together.



  1. There is nothing like a mothers love and concern. How blessed Cait is to have you to watch out for her and give her every comfort possible. Heavenly Father must have great trust and faith in you and Dale. He knew you would not fail him. So So happy things are improving. Little miracles everyday. Can you post a new picture with her free of the tubes? Would love to see her. Love you guys.

  2. I have been reading all the comments from your friends and family, so wanted to add something. You are very blessed to have such a great support group Candice and Dale with your friends. I have had tears brought to my eyes with all the sweet comments. Cait your Grandma Lattin loves you so much and can't wait to be able to go see you again when I am feeling better. Your Grandpa and I miss being able to be there and visit you. We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for all his blessing to you and your family. Love to all of you. Grandma Attin

  3. I agree! We'd love to see another picture of the little beauty when you can. I still can't believe all of that hair! We love all of these updates and love to hear the small, positive progression. Aiden was wonderful at Pre-School this morning. You're doing a good job! Keep it up and go Cait!
